Another Mosaic Monday

We hadn’t taken a photograph of our end of week progress on Friday. In those five days of installing (José and I each worked over 40 hours!) we installed over 100 square feet of the mosaic mural (with care). 


Our Monday (Day 6) began with set up: unpacking the supplies, laying down canvas tarps, rigging up our canopy to create shade and setting out the tiled panels on our gridded table. Work today included installing mosaics on the curve in the concrete wall. It was quite challenging to cut and maneuver the stainless steel Schluter to follow the curve, remain straight and close to the wall. José is a Schluter expert!

As we continue to install the beautiful tiled mosaic, there’s still detail work that needs attention. Thanks so much to Anu and Sari who helped us today. Thanks also to An for bringing by rags.