Preparing to install the tiled mosaic

The to-scale painting that José Orantes created over 9 months ago has been enlarged and reproduced onto mosaic mesh using 10mm (1/4″) glass tiles instead of paint. The 12.5″ squares of glass tile adhered to mosaic mesh was sent to me via UPS! It was so exciting and mind boggling to receive ten boxes, each weighing approximately 30 pounds, knowing that when installed on the 5′ high by 38′ long concrete wall in Luther Burbank Park (above the playground), the mural will come to life in a tiled, pixelated impressionistic work of art.

See how the “A3” tiled square matches up to its designated square on the “road map”?
José and I are thrilled with the range of colors used to recreate the painting.
Some are even iridescent! 

~ Building in Longevity ~

Expansion Joints:
expansion joint
We’ll install expansion joints every eight feet to protect the mural from movement that can occur within the concrete over time. This image ( illustrates how expansion joints between the rows of tile is created by placing a flexible sealant where grout normally would go. The flexible filler should absorb stress and allow space for the tile to expand and shift without cracking.

We will paint a coat of Custom Building Products’ Red Guard on the concrete substrate prior to installing the mesh-backed tile as an additional precaution to prevent cracking.


Creating a tarp canopy:

Before we begin our work to install the mosaic mural, José has conceived a design for a tent that will shield our installation, materials and us (!) from the sun. We’ll attach a tarp to the top of the concrete wall using four bar clamps. 1″ x 2″ wooden strips will be built into the tarp to provide structure. While we work, the tent will provide shade.

When we are done working for the day, the tarps will be released so that our work-in-progress will be protected.

– 16’ x 20’ tarp (we will cut it to 8’ x 20’
–  4 bar clamps to attach to the top of the concrete wall
–  1” x 2” wood strips to create structure.

I’m continuing to develop a checklist detailing the process and the supplies we need to bring to the site so we don’t forget anything. Here were go!



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